Upon Grandma's Arrival...
The two weeks with grandma came and went, we had a wonderful time being able to take care of him at nights as he's less fussy now. Sometimes we have to export him over to my mum for night care as he wouldn't stop crying, somehow he feels better with grandma. Now however, he has learnt to sleep reasonably through the night provided that we feed him well before 12 am. So that works.
Karen and I also alternate (or try to) duty nights, so on one night, she'll feed the baby and on the next I'll do the feeding, however, I think I've been cheating because I don't remember waking up as much. Anyway, Alden now wakes up at about 5 to 7 am in the morning and that works well with Karen's schedule. So no complaints.
I am now happy to announce that I know how to hold him properly and also know how to burp and feed him. Woohoo! That's a great achievement knowing that I'm so afraid he might get broken if I mishandled him. Well, I've been told off several times, but hey, practice makes perfect!
My mum came back from her hiatus just 2 days ago and I haven't heard enough of "Alden's really fat..." from her. She even now suggests that we should switch back to S26. I dunno, all this switching isn't too good for the baby methinks.
Alden now weighs about 7 plus kgs and have really ballooned up, I'm sure you agree from the pictures I've uploaded here. He's eating well and also very talkative, everyone adores him when he "speaks". I just wished he made more sense. I'll entertain you with a video of his "talks" whenever you come visit me :) Thanks goes to Chong Lee for his Video Camera, very handy! He's also more alert in the day time and almost refuses to go to sleep during the day, insisting that people carry him around, and there are more people than not who will oblige to his "requests". I sometimes take pity on the maid as she has to drop whatever she's doing to attend to him, but only sometimes as I know she also adores him and likes to carry him around too!
Thank God for Sunarti who has really been a great help. I never had such a great maid, she conscientious about her work and very professional a self starter and never complains. I'll have to write her a shining recommendation when she decides to go back to Indonesia.
Here are some pics, enjoy :P